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Growing your personal blog on your own domain is not that easy. It's like a private space in the internet and getting new people to read it is hard....
I have been trying to generate code with the help of GPT3 from few months now and recently got access to a better product called Github copilot. ...
The Story Behind 📚 Few months back I built a tool called richurl.tech which is like a url shortner 🔗 but with super power ⚡ . When someone clicks...
There are a few amazing web API's supported by modern browsers and these are few you might want to use in your next project. Do note that some...
My Submission to the Amplify Hackathon and a soft launch of RichURL.tech · Story Behind I use Instagram extensively and while surfing there I see a lot...
There are several websites which let you convert your website into an Android/IOS app, But in reality, They provide a web view of the website with...